Wednesday, May 30, 2007

AB camp

FINAllY! after 119h of scoldings,running,rushing,thinking,evaluating,trying out new is finally over! hahas...from friday till today...been quite an experience...

certain points were driven thru to the campers...but shall not bore all with that. =]
some highlights-other than the usual high elements and stuff...there was dragon boating...oh yeah` its really quite fun! but physical strenuous..know why dragon-boaters have strong arms and back muscles now...haha but it was really fun and the building rafts activities too! next, it was building sandcastles!

never had i believe that i could build such structures...a phantom mask! all thanks to 3 simple and yet crucial elements-water,sand,pressure. and yet how u apply them woud affect the too much pressure will break the structure and too lil it will be unable to stand...just like life aint it, everyone aims to satisfy their wants but the process to achieve it is never easy.

there was also the land expedition...its really fun...walking in the night...from aj to east coast...really cool to walk underneath the sky with the roads empty and nobody else but u and your group mates...walking away..though tiring but its still fun i would say and also the breeze at east coast before dawn...that's the best` ahh...

now to individuals...our grp's a crapper..murphy...and shuqin a person who likes to crack jokes, teck liang who can zombifie now and then,yi feng the stoner (who is the cousin of my primary sch friend!), fang bi, the over-enthu one =p, etc,etc... its really quite an experience everyone's friendly to one another...and mix around well..haaha
there's our DEAR GIs too...would say they are one of the best around! din tekan us much but use the art of speaking to drill points through...and ever-patient and understanding too! =] those discussion sessions were of use. seriously. haha

there's also the 1124 bunk mates...hha the nightly *** sessions and duscussions and imitations of .... haha` the worst was the time when that gu walk in and we still continue our crapping...luckily hsien yong commented," but actually they are not bad lar" saved by a statement i would say haha! too bad i cant remember all the guy's name...and han wei...luckily they din take tt pic on the bus...heng sia.. or that will be the joke of the century!

alright, that would be it for now till more strike my mind!

it lasted a moment and yet a thousand emotions shown...
which was the right one?
or is it just plain tricks of the mind?

Friday, May 18, 2007


alrights...die liao pull-ups can only do 4. deprove from 7. sian and 7 was bad enough in the past. and my stand broad the most only a miserly 215...i'm so dead...too fat and my knee's starting to hurt! darn it!

well 2.4k was okay did below my expectations though it was a pb. 0952. when will it be 0811? =p shall try tmr haha` if i have the mood. =p

the knee problem is back again...bend too much..and it hurts even more now!
sigh...what to do...if not that person will have injured back...forgot who's why safety's first esp when hte ppl executing the work are not experienced cos they are not in sjab... haii
oww! oww!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

sigh ...sad day...

we need more cheers...make ppl know hte cheers...a trained group of people to cheer on teams!



Saturday, May 12, 2007

here it goes again

had 5km run today...well did a timing of 2358...according to coach its not good enoug..and yar i know but cant be helped already gonna die cos of that! legs are aching NAPFA run this tues..oh man! i need to break my 10 minute barrier..

went to watch spidey3...the costume's cool...some of the lines great but think too many villians were squeezed into the movie... like the part where parker...was in his black suit...sitting at the church with the rain pouring's so ermph....sad but yet heart-warming...dont know how to describe! always feel good to have the rain pouring down on you and think about stuff...esp...stuff =]

life's too short for studies...days too long to be spent hour too short to finish mugging any subject...minutes too short for moments spent together...seconds long enough for memories created and remembered...

Monday, May 07, 2007


throughout one's life...there will be endless questions...abt oneself...did you do it right? was is the right decision? was it worth it? what had gone wrong? how did all this happen? why did i not treasure it?

and sometimes...its questions that makes you think...more deeply...and finally maybe to find the 'peace within' and to gain wisdom not abt the world but about oneself..for really it all comes done to one individual...the 'building blocks' of society...

how is the world simpler and yet more complex?

how does existence comes along with absence?

does time makes man or man makes time?
for how can man rise without the opportunity to do so...when everything's in place...
and yet if man does not have the courage and the dare to act, how will historical events ever be made...and civilsiations built?

what makes you, you?
physical appearance or the soul within...the attitude and the character....but both change with time and are influenced by the outside is there no real indiviualism but everything one system...doing its part to make the system whole? or everyone's unique and that together make a that looks random and yet whole and vibrant with what we term as 'life'?

is random really random? or just some formula undiscovered...for before a pattern is
one...its seen as random...hmm...according to certain individuals its already proven that its random...but well...i'm not some maths WELL...HAHA

Saturday, May 05, 2007
