Friday, March 27, 2009


steel my heart
bury what's left
act nonchalent
push u away
let no tears bother u again.
from a distance
like a silent angel
ready to help
when called upon
and disappearing after that..

poem! haha
and this is a nice song. gotta admit it..

你指向远方 爱情很晴朗
怕泪会反光 钻进你的胸膛
但那不是感动 是 泪无法储藏

把美梦锁上 以为是天堂
还得乔装安份 靠在你肩膀

放了爱 为了爱
这不是我 该怎么生活

你说你喜欢 我笑得开朗
你越温柔 我越不想撒谎
客气地配合你 我感觉更勉强

别人的幸福 何必要模仿
心不在何苦 留躯壳在身旁
加满自由 我要无重量飞翔

放了爱 为了爱
这不是我 该怎么生活
放了爱 会明白
有种拥有 叫做放手

我的心 为爱流离失

放了爱 为了爱
这不是我 想要的生活
放了爱 你会明白
有种拥有 叫做放手

Monday, March 23, 2009

looking back

looking back at my past posts..
i'm shocked at how much i've forgotten
am glad that i kept a blog since that.
not minding the twit language used.
that was me. in the past. haha
its what gave me the memories I had.

but some memories retain.. and i still love the words mrs tan's gave us..

"Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can"

"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” --- Benjamin Franklin

How did i remember them last time?! hopefully i would always remember them. maybe that's why its good to have a blog/diary. Till now I still miss my sec sch days. my science, maths, humanities teachers.

the passion with which they teach.
the care they show.
the friendliness they exude.
the confidence they gave us.
the teachings they passed on to us.
not only those in words
but of heart and moral...

let us discover more about ourselves without forgetting ourselves.