Thursday, September 20, 2007


i've been thinking...
what a pity it would be
if life ends tomorrow
for i would have spent the last moments of it
mugging for promos.

drunk in the depths of your eyes...
even the air smells sweeter now.
and death more pleasant.

there will come a day when society matures
and death be given more respect.
not used as an escape from the world
nor the ending of something beautiful
but a transendence from something ephemeral to eternal.
and an element that makes life as precious as it is.

*on a cynical term, we are all possessive creatures, who would want their loved ones and friends to die.

from a movie excerpt,
love turns to possession then to hurt followed by anger and finally murder.


is it really true that we need sadness to feel happiness?
loneliness to feel love?
or do we need the former just to appreciate the latter better...

its really amazing that we managed to create computers when all we had were rocks in the Stone Age.

i've lost my compass
cos i din hold it tight enough
and now i'm drifting along
with no aims
being moved along with the tides of time.

*anybody have any idea on how to show the blog titles?!
jennifer, i've blogged. =)
The cobwebs are cleared. . .
. . for now.


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